Monday, October 27, 2008

how to stop panic attacks

how to stop panic attacks

how to cure panic attacks

how to treat panic attacks

how to deal with panic attacks

I was 24 when I had my first panic attack. I was sitting in the cinema when I started to feel very uncomfortable. My heart began to race and my whole body began to tense up. At first I thought it might have been an allergic reaction to something, then I began to fear it was something more serious like a heart attack. I left for the toilet and was so terrified I could not go back to my seat.

That was the first of many anxiety or panic attacks I was to experience over the next few years. I did not know what a ‘panic attack’ was until my doctor explained it to me. He did not give a lot of information about it but said I had developed an anxiety disorder. He prescribed some medication to calm me down but I stopped taking them as I feared I would become addicted or have bad side effects.

Sometimes at night I would wake with anxiety and every morning as I got up, I would check to see how anxious I felt in my stomach- The one thing always on my mind was “am I going to have a panic attack today”. Along with this I began to have thoughts that scared me like I might go crazy and do something totally out of character in public or with the people close to me.

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